ArtHouse3 | Katherine Gibson | It was the work of artist Ruby C. Williams (above right) that first got my attention to do more than collect art. I left my corporate job and turned in the direction of sharing art by organizing open-house shows in my Tampa home. Years later, I was offered a Gallery Director position at Hillsborough Community College, where I honed skills of selecting, installing and marketing artwork for a public gallery. 

Since moving to St Petersburg, I received an Individual Artist Award from the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance for my Drive-by Window Project and an ArtsUp Grant through Creative Pinellas to curate the exhibit Tongue & Groove. Last year, my project, Strength of Character, was partially funded by a Gobioff Foundation Microgrant and featured four regional artists in the Gallery at Creative Pinellas (see Exhibits).

Through my small business, ArtHouse3, I work with clients to select and install artwork in their homes and offices (see Clients). I am often hired for hourly work rearranging furniture, refreshing rooms, and occasionally merchandising for design shops (see Rooms). All the while, seeking locations and spaces for new projects.